Dress Code
Baca Elementary Dress Code Policy
Eva R. Baca Elementary DOES NOT have a uniform policy. However, we do promote safety and a standard of appearance, which enhances the learning environment. Students are expected to follow the district’s dress code every day.
Dress Code Violations Non-compliance of the district dress code will result in the following consequences:
- 1st offense ~ The student will sign the Dress Code Violation Notebook and a phone call to parent/guardian will be made for the parent/guardian to bring appropriate clothes for the student to school in a reasonable amount of time.
- 2nd offense ~ The student will sign the Dress Code Violation Notebook, a phone call to parent/guardian will be made for the parent/guardian to bring appropriate clothes for the student to school in a reasonable amount of time AND the student will serve the following day in ISS (In-School Suspension)
- 3rd offense - The student will sign the Dress Code Violation Notebook, a phone call to parent/guardian will be made for the parent/guardian to bring appropriate clothes for the student to school in a reasonable amount of time, AND the student will serve a day of Out of School Suspension. The parent/guardian also MUST sign a copy of the Dress Code stating they have read it and understand it BEFORE the student may return to school.
- 4 or more offenses ~ The student will sign the Dress Code Violation Notebook and receive 2 days of Out of School Suspension for every violation of 4 times or more.
Athletic shoes are to be worn for Physical Education. Your child will need to bring athletic shoes if he/she wears any other type of shoes on their gym days. Your child will not be allowed to participate in PE without the proper shoes. Please be advised that this could affect his/her participation grade. Cleats, beach flip flops, and heelies are not to be worn at school. These guidelines will be enforced for the safety of our students. If your child wears inappropriate shoes, your child’s ability to participate in outside activities will be limited (kickball, four-square, tetherball, etc.).
Do not send students to school with expensive jewelry. Baca Elementary will not be held responsible for items that are lost or damaged. Earrings and other jewelry should be small enough that they do not pose a safety hazard. Any adornment such as chains or spikes that could be perceived as, or used as a weapon will not be permitted.
Hats or other head coverings may not be worn during the school day except for special days or for medical reasons approved by the Principal or the Principal’s designee. Sunglasses are not to be worn in the building. Please review these guidelines with your child. Remember safety is our primary concern. If you have any questions regarding the dress code or an article of clothing, please call Mrs.Griego at 549-7530.
The following items are not all of the prohibited items for dress but a few of the items that are NOT ALLOWED for school attire:
- Leggings - Spandex - Bandanas - Short shorts - Pajamas - Slippers - Clothing or accessories that promote drugs, alcohol or tobacco either by brand or message - Clothing or accessories with sexually suggestive languages or messages - Attire, accessories or manners of grooming indicative of affiliation with a gang, secret society or disruptive group. This includes, but is not limited to clothing, gang-related colors/numbers/symbols, bandanas, make-up, hats, emblems, trademarks, badges, insignia, logos, belt buckles, colored shoe strings, and jewelry.