Principal's Message
Welcome to Eva R. Baca Elementary School
Home of the College-Bound Roadrunners!
Thank you for visiting our website to learn more about our great school. Eva R. Baca Elementary School is located in the east quadrant of Pueblo, near CSU-Pueblo.
Baca Elementary School is an AVID Elementary School. AVID is Advancement Via Individual Determination. AVID uses the best research-based instructional strategies to help students prepare for the academic rigor in middle school, high school, and college. The instruction strategies are known as WICOR. WICOR represents: W-Writing, I-Inquiry, C-Collaboration, and R-Reading. Our teachers receive ongoing professional development to embed these strategies into their daily instruction. The AVID work aligns with our school goals which are enhancing and accelerating the work that our teachers are already doing.
More than 20 colleges and universities from across the nation, colleges such as Texas A&M, University of Texas in El Paso, Blacks Hills State University, University of New Mexico, Missouri Western State University and several others have all adopted classrooms. The colleges and universities stay in contact with our teachers and students in a variety of ways. Our students are so fortunate to have so many college students who care about their success and make it known that every student can succeed and should value their education.
Baca also offers a STEM Club for those students interested in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math fields. Students meet after school one day a week and explore STEM projects and make the plans to build the projects. The club also participates in the district STEM competition each year.
I am extremely grateful for the compassionate, strong, and supportive team around me. Some of the best teachers in our district have chosen to work at Baca Elementary which has resulted in our school performing at one of the state's highest performance levels. Our staff is experienced and committed to serving our students in a caring nurturing environment along with providing a quality education.
Eva R. Baca Elementary is near and dear to my heart as we serve a rich and culturally diverse community, and I am so proud to be a part of that with you. We will continue to work together in preparing our students with the knowledge and abilities needed to become outstanding students and citizens.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 719-549-7530.
Julie A. Griego